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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Divisa Questions...

I've been getting some questions about Chasing Angel and/or parts of the book. So I thought I would take a minute and answer some of those questions.

I have also been getting a ton of ah-ma-zing emails and comments from you guys regarding the series. You guys are the shit! (I have the worst sailor mouth, and I usually tone it down for my books and my posts, but it can't be helped here. It is just the truth!) I can't tell you guys how much I heart that you love Chase and Angel as much as I do.

1. Is Loving Angel going to be a continuation, or will it be a retelling of the current books?

This is by far the most popular question recently. Loving Angel will be the 4th book in the series ,and it will be a continuation. The story will pick up where Chasing Angel left off, but from Chase's POV.

I get asked all the time to write scenes from his POV, which I love to do, so I thought, heck, why not write a whole book from that smexy boy's head.

2. When will Loving Angel be released?

Honestly, I haven't even thought about it. Probably later 2014. I have 2 other projects that I am committed to. One for my Publisher, the 3rd book in the Luminescence Trilogy. It unusually takes me 2-3 months to write a book.

3. What is up with Emma? The whole mind-control-thingy seemed too easy.

Agreed. I struggled with that the entire time I wrote Chasing Angel, but I could never find the right moment in the story for the conflict I had in mind for poor Emma. But rest assured that it is going to make an appearance in Loving Angel. Oh Chase, he is going to have his hands full with troublesome girls.

4. Is Loving Angel the final book?

I actually don't have an end in sight for this series yet. I am thinking there will be at least 2 more books, maybe even a spinoff for Lexi??? Who knows. I am one of those writers who doesn't have an outline or a storyboard. I just sort of let the story write itself 0_o Does that make sense?

Well, that is all I can think of off the top of my head. If you have a question, leave me a comment below or send me an email.


  1. Make a spin off of lexi she is ma fave and emma

    1. A Lexi spinoff. That might be something I play with in the future. You never know, it Is a possibility. I think in Loving Angel, Lexi will have a a bit more of an acting role, since the story is from Chase's POV.
